Corvette Advertising with offers unique Corvette Advertising that is extremely affordable, custom-designed and targeted to reach your Corvette enthusiast. We rank # 1 and top ten for several Corvette keywords on Google, Bing and Yahoo. We have a Google Page Rank of 2/10. With over 400,000 page views last year and on pace to double that this year we offer you a unique opportunity! Most of our visitors are searching for a solution to a problem will you be the answer? We are very quality not just quantity driven! We strive to offer our visitors a unique relevant experience that is easy to use. Our goals are to provide high quality easy to navigate content with limited advertising interruptions. This is not a "commercial" website, so there are few sponsorship opportunities. seeks a small number of high quality partners, on a topic-exclusive basis, who want to create win-win-win (you-visitor-Corvette-web-central.Com) promotional partnerships.

All of our partners are approved and judged for product quality and service. We will not allow just anyone to sponsor our site! So if you have high quality, unique products or services please contact us today!

We offer a full scale of sponsorship possibilities with banner ads of any size, text ads and even fully optimized web pages! We are extremely flexible to meet your needs. Don't want to spend lots of cash share your content! Contact our local agent today to find a fit for you!

Advertising Rates

Ad rates are based on:

* Traffic (site-wide or specific pages)
* Value to the sponsor
* Ad format/size/prominence
* Length of time, discounts for long term sponsorship!


Tier 1 Page: Starting at $40 a month
Tier 2 Page: Starting at $30 a month
Tier 3 Page: Starting at $20 a month
Discount available for multiple months!

2,540,000 In Pointing Links on Google Alone!

Sponsorship Policy

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