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Corvette Buyers & Owners Beware! Arm Yourself with Knowledge!
A Note from the Author and President of
We are the next evolution of the internet "people to people business" I want you to be a part of our ever growing network of friends and I congratulate you on preparing to join the larger world of Corvettes! No where will you find a more helpful passionate group of individuals! We hope you will start that journey with us!
Chris Trautman President
Buying a Corvette Unseen or Already Own One? Fate Favors the Prepared Buy Our Corvette Buyers Guide!
When you join our team by purchasing a C5 or C6 Corvette Buyers Guide "E" Book (E=Electronic) we will help you focus your energy and resources by combining all the information you need into one place. Leveraging the ability of the online world without all the confusion and stress of being on the internet searching for information and help. No special software needed so no added cost!
We designed each Corvette Buyers Guide E book to arm you with in-depth knowledge of all the problem areas, recalls, specs and solutions. It even has a buyers checklist and road test directions!
We didn't stop at just being a Corvette Buyers Guide though! Its more of a handbook that helps you with all the questions you have once you have the car. Things like winter storage, recommended products, common maintenance procedures and everything we could think of you might need!
We tell you about the hidden features and functions of each model year. You can amaze your friends with the wealth of knowledge our books will teach you!
All the topics we cover in our Corvette Buyers Guides could easily be broken out into several books but we thought it served you best being in one book! It may be called a Buyers Guide but we felt the name just didn't serve its total purpose. That's why we named them the "C5 and C6 Corvette Book of Knowledge"
We are a different kind of online company! Why is that you ask? Because we are real people! Your getting more than our book! My name is Chris Trautman I honestly want to help you find the right Corvette and to prove it I m giving you my number 855-326-7838. I will help you with anything I can. Especially if you have any more questions about the books, Corvette recommendations or questions about purchasing/downloading the books.
We have sold our books all around the world a fact we are very proud of and our responses are always positive, like " Exactly what I was looking for" and "The information provided in the book is outstanding. The author is super to work with as is his online site. Not only did I receive the cd in record time, but using the online site, I was also able to download the ebook directly into my ipad as an itunes pdf collection. I highly recommend this ebook to any Corvette owner or enthusiast."
You dont need any special knowledge or computers to use our books. As long as you can read the words here you are able to use our E books!
Our Highly Recommended Paper Back Buyers Guides
Please find these great books on Amazon and we ask that you use the links we have provided to help support our site.
These 4 books are the single most important buyers guide you could ever want to purchase for the 1953-1967 Corvette, 1968-1982, 1997-2004 and 2005-2013.
There is so much information in these books that will help you decide which model to buy. Each chapter of each book covers each year model in great detail. These books will be your guide to buying the Corvette model that suits you. We highly recommend them all!
Buyers Guide Description
Our Corvette Buyers Guide is a must have! Like most cars every year C5 Corvette has recalls. Half of the C6's have recalls that relate to safety. If your lucky you'll find one with low miles that hardly ever left the garage. That may sound like a good thing and it is, but did the owner ever take it to the dealer for these recalls? This is where we come in! We are on your side! We educate you about the car's common problems, differences and help you with the whole ownership experience to save you money and time! We aim to make a difference! The C5 and C6 Corvette's are great cars just think of our books as your insurance policy of knowledge! Our Corvette Buyers guides are an exclusive offering! No where will you find anything that comes close to what we do! Our Corvette Buyers Guides are the most comprehensive and informative ever written to find which Corvette is the best for you.. They were created by a professional Technician with years of experience working on Corvettes! These guides have been in development for hundreds of hours and years of research. More than just a buyers guide! They are Jam packed with information for all phases of ownership! Save valuable time and money! Each Guide has been written specifically for each model and include exclusive features such as:
✓ Immediate Download in PDF format
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✓ Common Problems & Repairs
✓ Routine Maintenance & Required Parts
✓ Upgrade Part Numbers
✓ Recall Information by Year
✓ 6 Plus pages of Printable Winter Storage & Buyers Road/Inspection Checklists!
✓ 6 pages of Printable Torque Sheets for almost all Components of a Corvette!
✓ Recommended Products to Protect & Improve Convenience!
✓ Informational Links and lots of color photos.
✓ Great for International Corvette Lovers!
✓ Find which Corvette is the best for you!
Our guides offer an electronic format that you download to your computer or order CD version's. This is a revolutionary way of owning information. With our members area and revision service you get so much more than a Download or a CD. As the Corvette's age and develop new problems the Electronic Format allows us to modify and update the information. We send you current revisions (Only Available on Immediate Download) with the new changes. Show us a book that can do that for free!
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