Door locks on a 76.

by Jason
(Denver, Co.)

It's almost impossible to get the driver's side door lock to unlock from the outside. Occasionally, once in a while, the key Does work. But it's rare. From the inside, one has to manipulate the locking handle several times to get the latch to unlock. The locks are manual.

I keep thinking there has to be some kind of adjustment I can do, but I can't find anything on this. Only that other people have had the same problem and suggestions for WD-40 and/or, a locksmith.

This car is in the process of restoration so having to take the door apart is not unexpected. In fact, the doors themselves are replacements, but the locks are original from the factory doors. Hence, the new doors inherited the same problem as the factory doors. I.E; the locks have a mind of their own and work...when they feel like working. The driver's side is worse than the passenger side.

Does anyone know how to cure this??? Hopefully, permanently???

If it helps, this is a 76' Stingray that I purchased in Hawaii right after the Gulf War and brought home with me to Colorado. The original door frames were rusted beyond salvage from the salty, humid air. Hence, the replacement doors. But most of the internal harware had very little rust or corrosion.


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Jan 03, 2012
Door Problems
by: Alan in VA

I had the same problem....With the inside door panel off and the window rolled down....see if when you depress the outside door opener does the rod go straight down or does it turn sideways ???

You can test this by looking and see what the mechanism does....

On mine, I was missing the clip from the outside hand opener to the rod that activates the opening mechanism....Look at the passenger side (if it works) to see how the lock and opening rods work...

Sep 09, 2011
Door Lock Problems
by: Anonymous

Door lock problems are related to several different reasons. Take off the door panels and lock and unlock the door with the key and watch what happens. Do the same with the inside door lock and watch what happens. Make sure the lock rods are working properly and nothing binding. A good cleaning may be the cheapest thing you can do. Do all work with the panels off and lube all parts of the door lock assy. Work with it and you will figure it out. Believe you me, this is one of the toughest problems on C3 vetts. Good Luck.....

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